I Swear Making an Oath

3 years ago

If a person does take a vow or oath, he should make every possible effort to keep his word. Not only that, a person should treat everything that comes out of his mouth as if it were a solemn vow. The Torah says, in Numbers 30:2  Whenever a man makes a vow to Adonai or swears an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he is not to violate his word but do everything coming out of his mouth.

This requires being careful about everything we say, not just vows and oaths.

Our word is very important. It defines us. It is who we are. If we do what we say we will do then we will be known by all around as being worthy of trust. I’m sure we have all worked around people who say one thing and then do another. That person can’t be trusted. Sometimes it only takes one time of falsifying a record, lying to a coworker, not following through on a promise to permanently destroy everyone’s trust in you. And once you’ve lost your integrity, where do you go to get it back?

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