series/small farms ( India)/ transgender all discussed!

3 years ago

Hello Good day and welcome to my Sunday July 11 2021 video, a blessed day indeed as I have been up and working since 2 am - noon to help bring this video to life along with the working Earth angels here- it has been tough to get this most important video revealed.... here ya go.... grab some popcorn

In this video I discuss the most brilliant think outside the box “outside of Hollywood “ tv series called - please fund if you are so blessed to do so we need this out there for consumption the life of JESUS thru the eyes of his disciples.... yay God bless Dallas and his brave team of soldiers to bring this to life- is free and for all.... take note of the Romans and who they are in this day.... ask who do you follow who IS YOUR LEADER?.... is it the likes of Jimmy Pattison who has been working all morning with his money to shut me down, the control freak he is and now Scared..... choose a REAL SINCERE LEADER with your heart and real intellect people.... ( and no I am not by any stretch jealous of jimmy rather I feel sorry for him as I know where he is headed - hell!- I am my own billionaire to share with the poor) I discuss farming and OUR FOOD, the poisons out there and how we must get behind every small farm again to feed the world, we need to TEACH people how to farm vs give them food especially bad food... go organic..... rally behind India before it’s too late!.... and thirdly I discuss transgender people and the two spirit LGBTQ community how you are ALL GODS CHILDREN, you are so very brave and represent his spirit and creation, you are very much accepted by HIM, as I videotaped this segment I was cut short ( controlling freaks minding my business here I couldn’t speak Gods message to transgender etc) and will continue it in a 5 min follow up video today with my message from God to this group who feels betrayed by Christianity.....things have changed and GOD has always been by your side!...... anyway lots of control here I am switching my controls here tomorrow so hopefully my freedom of speech can continue I will pay anything as God provides to speak this truth!.... please people walk in the light and not the darkness on earth for heaven awaits those who change and believe and yes ONLY GOD JUDGES..... when we judge that is Satan seeping inward to us... resist!

I LOVE YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS, this is by far the hardest video to upload and put out there’s far!.... “ they” must be scared?!

Please tune into tonite at 5 pst streamed live season 2 finale.... it will change your hearts for sure, time well spent

JESUS LOVES YOU as a dying woman in Kelowna once told me and I am here to say HE LOVES YOU TOO!... walk with us and you will ensure GOD THE ALL POWERFUL Wins,
And parents please let your innocent children lead you by their example as parents have become adults and lost their way down Satan’s path, your children are of God and know GOD for a few children waved at me yesterday yes waved in hope and glee ( smiles)..... let them lead you not you them!

If a siren rings today say a little prayer and know that they go to HEAVEN for eternity!
Love always JEMMA xo

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