Corey Lewandowski Testifies at Trump Impeachment #1 - Rep. Jim Jordan Asks Him Questions

3 years ago

In 2019, Donald Trump's 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, testifies at Trump's first impeachment. This was his 3rd or 4th time within a couple of years to testify at Congress regarding the same issue, and he provided over 20 hours of testimony between the House and the Senate prior to this impeachment.

Can't say Trump isn't a winner, he has the world record on defeating impeachments, and is the only President in history to be falsely accused by the opposing party not once in his first term, but twice in his first term. In both cases they used fabricated evidence to unsuccessfully attempt to make him appear to be guilty. They have been digging into everything in his life and all of his family members since he announced he was running for President, and they aren't showing signs of stopping in July of 2021.

They are still going after him presently, trying to tie him to tax violations, trying to stick him with criminal charges for which they are currently trying to find a crime he is guilty of to use against him.

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