#AlexJones & Army Vet Sgt. Michelle Foy @ The #FederalReserve Houston, October, 2011

3 years ago

A stylishly pierced and coiffed Derrick Broze does a shout-out for the Houston Freethinkers at about 27:00 and my speech follows immediately.

I never edited this as it is the intellectual property of Tessa Kole, a dedicated soldier of the resistance. I can never thank you enough, Tessa, for connecting me back with this material. I had contacted Aaron Dykes who recorded at the same rally. The video he put on Infowars was called "Veterans are Against the FED!" Within a few hours of release there were 15,000 views on YouTube. You can imagine my horror when Jones deleted it. Aaron did not have access to it when I asked if i could get a copy so.. that's just gone. XOXO Tessa

Aaron Dykes left Infowars when Alex Jones lost his shit and started his own amazing documentary film production with his brilliant wife Melissa: Truth Stream Media: truthstreammedia.com

Here is the text version of my off-the-cuff speech (gotta give this one to God!)

"Banks use false flags to create war. It's been going on for centuries. The Reichstag in Germany, The Gulf of Tonkin and now 9/11. 9/11 spawned The Patriot Act. The Patriot act killed the Constitution! (always hear Derrick shout "Yes it did!" in my head when I read that lol!) Bring down the Patriot Act! We want Glass-Steagel back! We want our Constitution back! We want our country back! People need to learn! Learn what governments are capable of! Learn what the elite are capable of! They don't care about you! They want you as their slaves THEY HAVE YOU as their slaves! We have got to end this system! For our children! For our grandchildren! They do not deserve to inherit this debt!"

Derrick Broze is still in action! He has written dozens of articles for Activist Post and many alternative sources. Notably, he is a co-founder with John Bush of freedomcells.org. He also co-organized and emceed the historic answer to Davos' Great Reset, (boring fascist snorefest!) "The Greater Reset' (where we partied and connected while we learned how to prepare!) thegreaterreset.org Derrick has written several books and been featured on many prestigious alternative broadcasts such as The Corbett Report and The Last American Vagabond.
Keep up with my friend Derrick here: TheConsciousResistance.com
See Derrick Broze and Micah Jackson (right side sporting a goatee and spectacles and holding a rally sign on the cover of this video) and join their weekly live broadcast of Houston Freethinkers Radio: HoustonFreethinkers.com
All these links, more banned activists and websites, videos, my blog, solid research downloads about vaccines and much more here: Quarantine Beat Activist Portal quarantinebeat.com

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