Elevate your skin experience!

3 years ago

Everyday we reach for that special facial wash and moisturizing cream to keep the skin on our face daft and looking healthy.

NOW! You can reach for the new Vibrant V collection by Dr. Sherry for intimate wellness. With the proper pH balance, adequate moisture, and staying hydrated, the delicate skin of the vulva will maintain
It’s beauty longer. URJA intimates has natural ingredients including an original blend of ingredients that can help pre-mature aging.

👉🏽 Willow bark

👉🏽 Coconut oil

👉🏽 Passion flower

👉🏽 Safe for all skin types

👉🏽 Dermatologist tested

👉🏽 Hyaluronic acid

👉🏽 Frankincense

👉🏽 CBD

👉🏽 Vitamin C

👉🏽 OBGYN approved

👉🏽 Doctor-developed

👉🏽 No colors

👉🏽 No fragrances

👉🏽 Vegan

and more . . .

Join the women who have reached out with claims that after using the entire copy they have been able to put intimacy back in the bedroom. As a result, they were emotionally healed as well as physically (skin health)

Use discount code : AMY20 and save 20% off everything in your cart. www.urjabeauty.com

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