Capitol Police in DisneyWorld, 3629

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Just when you think that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her minions can’t do anything dumber, she proves you wrong.
Pelosi has announced that the Capitol Police are going to open field offices in Florida and California.
There was no immediate explanation why Pelosi was picking on these two states to open field offices of what is one of, if not the most, incompetent police forces in the country. Of course, Pelosi is from California so that’s obvious, but why Florida and what is a police force that is charged with protecting and providing law enforcement at the Capital Building and the various and sundry other buildings on Capitol Hill going to do in Florida and California.
The official answer is stop threats against members of the House and Senate. The representatives and Senators from the other 48 states will just have to depend on the FBI. So it’s clear that for some reason she is punishing the representatives and senators from Florida and California, because if there was a threat against you would you rather have the Capitol Police or the FBI protecting you. If you answered Capitol Police you got it wrong and if you answer that question wrong again, you’re qualified to run for office.
Perhaps it’s not punishment but that both states are known for their good weather, so maybe it’s nothing more than giving Capitol Police officers a way to spend some time during the dreary Washington winter in states where the weather is top notch.
However, when you consider what the Capitol Police did on the one day that the integrity of the Capitol Building was threatened, Jan. 6, you really have to wonder what Pelosi is thinking. Watching the videos, if you didn’t know better you would think that Congress had hired the Keystone Cops, to protect them. The Capitol Police appeared completely unprepared and disorganized. There is no way that the Capitol Police even if they communicate with tin cans and string left over from the Eisenhower Administration, could have not known that there was a huge rally planned for the Washington Mall and that after the speeches hundreds of thousands of people planned to march to the Capitol Building. Everyone in the country who pays any attention at all to the news, was aware of the rally and march.
At least some Capitol Police officers knew because they put bike racks up around the Capitol Building that were supposed to stop hundreds of thousands of angry conservatives. Bike racks not real barricades or fencing, but maybe the barricades were in storage like some of the other equipment.
When the ANTIFA portion of the crowd appeared – and long before the President was done speaking - and it became obvious that some had come to fight, some Capitol Police officers tried to get their riot shields. Any competent law enforcement agency would have already issued riot shields to the front line troops, but evidently, the Capitol Police leadership didn’t think about it until the last minute. Then, they couldn’t find the key to the bus where the shields were stored. But they did find some other shields that had been placed in a storage shed where the heat and cold had turned the plastic shields brittle so they shattered on impact with anything.
So in the relatively simple task of providing shields they failed three times, once not having them before the mob attacked, two not being able to get to them and three having destroyed the usefulness of the shields they did have by not storing them properly. Providing shields is something competent leaders were somehow able to achieve for their troops 10,000 years ago.
The videos show front line Capitol Police officers without any riot control gear trying to hold back a mob with their bare hands.
It didn’t take long for the much better prepared, equipped and organized mob to push aside the bike racks and the Capitol Police and enter the Capitol. Once they were inside the Capitol Police instead of trying to force them out, or arresting them on the spot, became what they really are which is highly paid security guards and gave the mobsters directions and advice.
The Capitol Police also opened the doors that hadn’t been breached and appeared to welcome the protesters inside. Videos clearly show Capitol Police officers standing along a hallway as people stream through the open door.
The Capitol Police were clearly outmaneuvered by the mob and then they didn’t even know how to call for backup.
It was only after backup finally arrived, that rather than welcoming people into the Capitol, other law enforcement agencies started asking people to leave.
But how can anyone explain the lack of arrests. Some of these people who entered the Capitol have now been held in jail for months because of their heinous crimes, but when they were committing those crimes, the Capitol Police can be seen standing around talking to people and they didn’t even bother to arrest the few that committed acts of vandalism. What kind of police force doesn’t arrest people when they are caught in the commission of a crime?
Because the Capitol Police didn’t arrest people on the scene, the FBI spent countless man hours going over videos and tracking people down all over the country.
So Pelosi’s plan is now to replace the FBI with the Capitol Police to protect the representatives and senators of Florida and California.
Of course in the grand scheme of things it fits right in with paying people not to work to get the economy going and protecting the environment by canceling an oil pipeline so all that oil has to be transported by train or truck.
But just beneath the surface it looks like madam Pelosi wants some reliable stormtroopers who are completely reliant upon her for their employment to protect her home state, and perhaps to counter the Trump effect in Florida.
One thing is for certain, it’s all Trump’s fault.
We will be on our YouTube livestream tonight at 7 pm eastern.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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