Do you know why I retired from Law Enforcement? (Exposure, Segment 2)

3 years ago

This segment is a little longer than I hope to create from this point forward, but it is a story I needed to tell. I have remained largely silent about it since I retired. However, I have been attacked viciously, over and over again, on this issue since I started organizing protests against the Covid lock-downs. The haters, fakers, informants, and posers have been using my retirement and what they refer to as "Mental Health Issues" to attempt to discredit me from the very beginning.

I used to be quite ashamed and humiliated at being considered "weak" for having gone through this episode over ten years ago now and having retired early as a result. Today, I view my triumph over depression/anxiety disorders as a defining and positive point in my life. Take a listen. You be the judge.

Lastly, I described my view of the FBI back in my law enforcement days as viewing many of their agents, mostly attorneys and accountants with badges, as a "joke."

Although I am sure there are a small number of competent, honorable men and women in the FBI, the organization as a whole is the most diseased, corrupted law enforcement organization in the U.S., possibly the world, due to the immense power they wield.

They have completely lost the confidence and support of the vast majority of the American people. My hope is that when the actions of the FBI in Washington DC on January 6th are exposed fully, both the FBI and many of our Intel Agencies will cease to exist as they are currently formed.

Not until we bring the FBI and Intel Agencies to heel will we ever regain our country as originally founded as a Constitutional Republic, with three separate branches of government and a system of checks and balances. I'm optimistic that day will soon come.

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