#MaroonPB - Capitol Riots

3 years ago

00:00 MaroonPB shows his face while yelling (Eddy Block) - https://capitol-hill-riots.s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/User%20Submissions%20-%20UNSORTED/Content/Bad%20WiFi%20in%20dc_oSOsG5kN5wc_Channel_UCMoPOI9EfzVREnO5YMUR0Gw_Eddie%20Block%20Films_.mp4
01:09 MaroonPB gets close to camera to talk shit on Eddie (Eddy Block)
01:29 MaroonPB going over the left side of the initial breach on West side of Capitol(ABQ Raw) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYxKioXhve0&t=224s
01:50 MaroonPB with his two friends yelling about something in slow-mo (Statuscoup) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUmomtBJg0U&list=PLVXH9iglOLfbufcSYVpqdllxp-ZXCU6Ic&t=0s
01:56 MaroonPB climbing over the wall with his two friends (ABQ Raw)
02:12 MaroonPB moves to the back corner and gives a signal
02:26 MaroonPB points and the crowd charges forward (Parler / Statuscoup)
02:56 MaroonPB moves around crowd talking to people and pushing others forward (Parler)
05:33 MaroonPB speaking with someone ends with "They were supposed to follow us"(Molly Pitcher was live) -
05:43 MaroonPB telling people to push forward (SCNR) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmF7qQdfcrQ&t=41s
06:01 MaroonPB flirts with some girls and ID's himself as someone in the military -
06:20 MaroonPB ripping down fences around north side of building (FNTV) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBRJmnvFfo8&t=444s
06:24 MaroonPB moves forward from NE fence with the crowd toward the East entrance (FNTV)
07:03 MaroonPB moving more fences on East side of Capitol - https://jan6attack.com/videos/h/HS34fpbzqg2b/
08:33 MaroonPB hugging someone on the left side of main Eastern stairs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=185f3LPxUYU&t=342s
09:04 MaroonPB overlooking stairs as police fight crowd off at the door
09:50 MaroonPB talking with police on the right side of stairs
10:24 MaroonPB pulls down his mask to yell (Touring News) - https://capitol-hill-riots.s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/Twitch/TouringNews%20-%20Twitch%20-%20863617017%201.mp4
10:29 MaroonPB at front of crowd pushing to open the main East door (Nigrotime) - https://youtu.be/MVullQb-Lec?t=133
13:01 MaroonPB is ripped inside by someone
13:08 MaroonPB inside pictures holding up Trump flag
13:20 MaroonPB up inside an office (Nigrotime) - https://youtu.be/f80ScBHnNRk?t=1501
13:26 MaroonPB walking south away from main Eastern stairs at a distance (Newsclapper) -
13:50 - MaroonPB wandering around on phone (WUSA) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzGDjf4dWoE&t=0s
14:08 - MaroonPB heads towards police leaving down stairs (Global News) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNQRGohdW9Y&t=0s
14:28 - Parler
14:33 - MaroonPB later in the day talking with a group (Instagram)
15:33 - (Hippies4TRUMP) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj2UX_UN67Y&t=12160s


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