how much of a minion am i really

3 years ago

not lookin forward to watchin vids
i was born a ramblin man
best allman brothers song?
1.) ramblin man
2.) whippin post
3.) jessica (ding ding ding)
too beautiful for jessie's parents not want her to talk
jessie is one of the freeist people i've ever met (still in LA, smokin a lotta weed)
in yer mind you ain't wearing a mask
turn it into a game in yer've already won
continuing to live inside yer head vs. letting the man bring you down
the man doesn't bring down the sheep
these supposed non-sheep are still under the thumb of the elite (mentally)
freedom contingent on a document hahaha
low-level wagee has its' perks with alternative perspective
i never had a train of thought to begin w/

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