"Creepy Porn Lawyer" Michael Avenatti Goes to Jail & FBI Raiding Lego Collections?

3 years ago

Former Democrat Darling and confirmed degenerate Michael Avenatti has been sentenced to a prison stay for 2 and a half years for attempting to extort millions of dollars from Nike. Sucks to suck, the Trump curse strikes again.

Robert Morss was down at the Capitol when the 'worst tragedy since 9/11' happened in January. He has been charged and had his home raided for having the audacity of supporting Trump. Some meaningless Trespassing charges and trying to stop a baton from cracking him are some of the charges, but more than likely he will get a plea deal, like everyone else has so far. But what is hilarious is what the FBI found in their overly aggressive raid of his home. A 'notebook' detailing how he was going to 'overthrow' the government (lol) and an assembled replica of the Capitol Building that the media cannot confirm or deny Morss used to plan out his Insurrection. The Media and Feds should be abolished.

Also, there's another big Antitrust case filed against Google.

Breitbart: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/08/michael-avenatti-sentenced-to-30-months-in-prison-for-trying-to-extort-nike/
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: https://www.post-gazette.com/news/crime-courts/2021/06/11/Glenshaw-pennsylvania-robert-morss-charged-US-Capitol-riot-arrests-assault-officers-robbery/stories/202106110095
The Smoking Gun: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/lego-evidence-seized-745916
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/google-sued-by-36-states-dc-over-alleged-antitrust-violations_3892278.html

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#MichaelAvenatti #Lego #CapitolRiot

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