WW Stasi & We The People July 8, 2021

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3 years ago

WW Stasi & We The People  July 8, 2021
"Schild und Schwert der Partei" (Shield and Sword of the Party)

Telegram Chat Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/HStDF-QWzi1kZWY5

The government is coming to your house, door to door and going to convince you to take the jab. They are the Nazi Stasi Police, in America!

They're threatening your First Amendment, Second Amendment, 3, 4, 5 & 6. 10th too! They're bypassing HIPAA. This is unbelievable, but its really happening. It's not a movie.

Fasten your seatbelts! Am reviewing election updates, law and disorderly, breaking stories around the world and at home, while focusing on our children.

Scary Thought: America The Beautiful Gone and Generations Later Ask, I Wonder What Was It Like To Live In The Failed Empire America? Empires Come and Go...

The people involved in Child Sex Trafficking just happen to be the same people trying to take your rights away. The gun grabber's and the speech police and the lying medical "leaders" and the washed out politicians, they are the puppets for the true monster's behind the curtain. Follow the money...    

What I do: I bring to light those who are responsible for children's nightmares and I make them accountable. Folks, monsters are real.
I focus on: Government, Murderous Elites, The Illuminati and their connections to Child Sex Trafficking, Satan Worship and Child Sacrifice.  
I am and will continue to beat the drum that Fauci Lied and millions died. He is a mass murderer.

Foundation for Economic Education
10 Terrifying Facts About The East German Police

Join us on July 18th, 2021.  
There will be a prayer line open ALL day on the 18th for you to join us in prayer.
For More Details:
TEXT REPENT to 474747

Doug Mastriano OP ED: https://senatormastriano.com/2021/07/07/op-ed-why-i-am-initiating-a-forensic-investigation-of-the-2020-general-election-and-2021-primary/

Litigation, Class Action Lawsuit by President Trump against Twitter, Facebook and Google (AFPI)

AFPI 1776 video on Rumble
US Senator Rand Paul Stop The UN Gun Ban

A Warning From Dr Carrie Madej: https://prepareforchange.net/2020/07/23/a-warning-from-dr-carrie-madej/

To the unvaccinated, The US Government is coming to your house!

Previous Episodes of the utmost importance:

It Has To Stop: Stop Child Sex Trafficking

WInchester 9MM 115 grain FMJ/JHP Recall: www.winchester.com.

Sidney Powell


See Deadly Deception: https://archive.org/details/deadly-deception-robert-willner_202010

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: https://prepareforchange.net/2021/04/17/reiner-fuellmich-we-have-the-evidence

Seramin Antidote For Vaccine, Dr Judy Mikovits

Click here download the form to refuse COVID-19 Vaccine:  https://www.vaxxchoice.com/

NCBI/NLM/NIH - Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/

ORDER: Civil Action Fulton County Superior Court EFILED 6/24/21

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