Dwelling Prayer 2 of 5 by Clare Dubois

3 years ago

Dwelling Prayer 2 of 5

Dwelling Prayer 2 of 5

What a truly beautiful thing it is to be in the presence of the Lord. To be able to see Him, to feel His presence, to hear His words, to be able to converse with Him. And this honor was given to me as it is to many, many Christians - there is nothing special about me, I can promise you that. Aside from the fact that the Lord lives in me, I am not anything to stand tall about. But in January 2nd of 2007 a very distinguished retired pastor who lives in Taos, New Mexico where we are invited me to a "soaking meeting." Well now, what is soaking? I have to go back to the Scriptures and look at what the Lord says.

He says:

We will come to him and make our dwelling with him. John 14:23

We have a website called Heartdwellers.org and we teach Dwelling Prayer on that site. Not that you could really teach it - it's something you can prepare your heart for, but God has to do it. Dwelling with Him is the whole concept of being in the Lord's presence. Not necessarily: "Praise You, praise You, Lord, bless You, we worship You." I mean those are beautiful moments and there is a time and place for that. "Lord I love You, I love You, I love You. You're so wonderful!" There is a time and a place for that. These are things the Lord loves to hear, especially if they are coming from the heart and not just a nervousness to be busy in prayer and saying something.

But we need to be able to enter into His presence quietly and in a state of adoration, ready to adore Him but to let go of our conversations, to let go of our little Ferris wheels that keep going with different thoughts, you know. And the Lord gives us this grace and this ability.

Well, getting back to this soaking prayer. Which we've termed Dwelling Prayer now, because what we try to teach is that the Lord dwells in us and we are entering into the place where He dwells. Which is also the door to Heaven - He is the door to the sheepfold, He is the door to eternal life.

No one come to the Father except he comes through Him. John 14:6

This is Scripture. And in the same way, He is also the entrance into Heaven, into this beautiful place. And many Christians now all over the world are experiencing what Heaven is like. God is revealing great mysteries to them. And it's as though the clouds have parted and that dimension has opened to Christianity and we've walked right into it and seen beautiful things.

The experiences that He gave me to share with you are a little bit different. These have to do with His nature as the Bridegroom. As the lover. Now this isn't carnal, so don't get any idea about that. It has nothing to do with sex. It has to do with profound love and profound and deep affection. But these sexual feelings that we experience on Earth, they aren't present in Heaven. It's not possible. Why? I don't know exactly, but I know one thing the Lord has told me. (Because I expressed a fear about that, you know..."Lord, I feel... I'm so in love with You, this is so wonderful, you know - I'm afraid I might have a thought!") And His answer to me was, "It's not going to happen. It doesn't happen Here."

Wow! That's beautiful. That's wonderful to hear, because I'd hate to be in that situation where I had a thought that was impropriety.

So, the first thing that happened while we were having this soaking prayer meeting: He spoke to me in an allegory, in the sense that I began to see a scene, actually like a movie! Sometimes you'll hear people, New Agers and they will talk about, "Well, I experienced that lifetime, I saw all that happen." And what I usually say to them is, "Have you ever been to the movies? Guess what? Satan has his movies, too. And he can play those movies right in front of you."

So, how do you know you aren't deceived when you have a vision like that? "Well first of all, you're in a state of worship; you're going to the Lord and you're in a place of adoration." (Some would answer.)

Well, sorry to tell you, but you can be deceived! Discernment is not anything easy. But if He's drawing you into a spousal intimacy as in Song of Solomon, is He going to deliberately mislead you, allow a seducing spirit? Is He going to do that? I don't think so, that's not His nature. He's drawing His Bride into intimacy.

Now, there can come a time later on, when you're more mature in this kind of relationship with the Lord. If you get it in your head that you're something "special" and that pride starts to make your head get real big... yep, He might just allow deception to humble you and bring you back down to Earth!

You see, what we are doing here is, we're entering into His Rest. We are ceasing at our own efforts at prayer, our own efforts at communication and entering into HIS Rest. And I want to go back for just a second and just kind of describe to you what a Dwelling Prayer meeting is like.

Basically, we have a meal together, which is different. Most people say you are more spiritually alert when you've been fasting. And for some people that may be true and correct, but for some reason we were introduced to it at a small, light, meal beforehand - so no blood sugar issues. And afterwards, sitting in a nice, comfortable living room someplace where you're at home, you know, with your coffee cup and maybe a couple cookies. Maybe stretching out on the floor comfortably with a pillow under your head or maybe slouched down in the couch. Comfortable. At ease. Entering into Rest. And whoever is leading the prayer will just simply turn the music on real low and we'll just quietly worship the Lord in our hearts and dispose ourselves to receive from Him. And again, what Father "would give you a snake when you ask for a fish," I think is how it goes.

So, the Lord is very tender, very gentle and this is a spirituality. He's told me this is a new movement in Christian community to draw His Bride into His arms, to purify her wedding dress and prepare her to be taken to Heaven with Him.

As such, these experiences that I've had in Heaven - and I'm not alone, my husband also - we both experienced this. What happened was, we went to this meeting, the soaking prayer meeting, which goes on for maybe 45 minutes to an hour of just resting, resting in a spiritual state, in a state of quiet adoration of Jesus.

But in Dwelling Prayer, we encourage you to enter into your heart, because you know that Jesus lives there. What is the work of a Christian? It's to believe. It's to have faith. If you have faith you can enter into His Rest. What did He say in Hebrews?

He said:

Oh, that you would hear his voice, harden not your hearts where you saw my works for 40 years and because of this I was provoked with that generation because they were rebellious and I said they've always been of erring heart they do not know my ways and I swore in my wrath they shall not enter into my rest. Take care brothers that none of you have an evil and unfaithful heart as to forsake the Lord. Hardened by the deceit of sin. Hebrews 3:7-8

So, one of the sins that we can all commit, is unbelief. The Lord has done so many things for me in my life, to be unbelieving is a travesty. It's a sin! You can't enter into His Rest if you don't believe! And what is the job of a Christian? To believe! That's what the Scriptures say. Believe in God's only Son, Jesus Christ. To believe His Word. To believe that He is with you, that He dwells inside of you and that He desires for you to dwell with Him!

So! Going back to what actually took place...I guess you could say I kind of have a fancy for the medieval times or whatever. All I know is that I was on a horse, I was galloping through a long forest and I came across a wooden bridge; a moat with a castle and a wooden bridge that came across it. I dismounted from my horse and I was drawn to this door inside the castle. There were no people there, no one! I thought, 'This is odd, this is really strange. Is this you Lord?'

But I felt drawn, so I followed it. And I entered into a room that was a chapel! It was actually the church of the castle or the chapel of the castle. And there was no one there. Except all of a sudden I saw my guardian angel standing on my left. And I was wearing a wedding gown! A beautiful wedding gown, with pearls; and I saw myself from the back like I was up in the balcony or the choir loft. The back of my dress was interwoven, silver, dove feathers, white dove feathers interwoven all the way down to the waist line and then you know, full on the bottom...beautiful train.

And then I saw angels and they were weaving pearls in my hair! They were preparing me to meet the Groom. I looked at my angel and he looked at me and Oh! My heart just melted! I thought, 'You're gonna take me to the Lord! And we're not going to be working together anymore, and I've never really thanked you for all that you've done for me! I don't even know you! And you've been the most intimate companion I've had.' And it was like he kinda said to me, "Don't worry about that right now."

Then the next scene that happened was very beautiful. All of a sudden the Lord was at the front of the chapel.


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