3 years ago

‘Let us Reason together, Come now, says YHVH: Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall be white as wool.’ -Isaiah 1:18

‘Let these be Guidestones to an Age of Reason’ -Georgia Guidestones (Lucifer)

Georgia Guidestones dedication date of March 22, 1980 to a possible 33-year and 40-year countdown of when the Masonic evil empire is to start its initiation imploding their Old Phoenix ‘World Order’. This correlation will be based on the very significant and prominent occultic number of 33 that Masonic Secret Societies venerate. The proponents of the New World Order are thus possibly signaling the countdown to their Luciferian Empire of the Age of Reason or when it is to be initiated. The monument does lend some possible proof of this diabolical 40-year timeline countdown. The parallel is taken from where the 10 Laws of YHVH were given and thereafter it took 40 years for Israel to enter into the Promised Land or ‘New Order’.

Well such a countdown of a 40 years from the giving of the 10 Luciferian Commandments be when the Luciferians are going ‘into’ their Promised Land to possess the New World Order? Regardless, the numerology and astronomy associated with the Guidestones does bare the trademark of the various Luciferian Secret Societies and Satanic Globalist bent on initiating their evil plan to bring all of humanity under their Luciferian Protocols of the Elders of Zion’s 10 ‘Unholy Commandments’. These mandates are against the true 10 Commandments of YHVH given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The counterfeit Luciferian 10 Commandments are opposed to the work of the LORD and GOD, the Savior Jesus Christ. It appears that the dedication date of March 22, 1980 is sort of a ’hidden code’ (3-2-2).

From the dedication date of March 22, 1980 plus 33 years, the year count ends on the Spring Equinox of March 22, 2013. Then the 40-year count ends in 2020. Will the 40th-year date signal the last stages of end of the Age of Grace that has been in effect since Christ’s resurrection nearly 1,988 years ago? If not sooner? Perhaps this prescribed Masonic ‘New Age of Reason’ would be set to fill in the vacuum created by the possible Rapture of the Church that is to perhaps coincide this coming Luciferian Age, that like the French Revolution only brought the Reign of Terror instead. The Guidestones are nonetheless a mysterious monument. The structure is sometimes referred to as America’s Stonehenge. It has been reported that occultic rituals have taken place there.

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