Pentyrch UFO Incident 4th Anniversary - New Information & Updates

3 years ago

On the 4th Anniversary of the Pentyrch UFO Incident at the Lewis Arms, Gari Jones and Caz Clarke presented new and updated information about the biggest UFO event of modern times.

More evidence of EMF and Geiger Counter radiation which is higher than normal background levels still in the fields of Pentyrch 4 years after the fact. Dowsing and Psychic medium visits to the fields, also finding in there own methods more evidence of strange energy centres.

An ancient site sits where the UFO came to Pentyrch, stone monuments litter the outskirts of the field, is Pentyrch Field a gateway of some kind? Evidence also of NASA removing satellite images during the week the Pentyrch incident happened.

New witnesses being found confirming green clusters of lights being pursued by jets and helicopters... as well as more information from other witnesses to strange events during the time of the UFO even and after. Plus we show that again the military and government is lying and contradicting themselves over this so-called exercise excuse, whilst the witnesses...especially Caz Clarke remains truthful and constant.

Artwork by Vincent Palmer website &

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