How many lies does it take, until we get to the middle of the FBI and they get popped?

3 years ago

FBI CAUGHT LYING about 1/6 Proud Boys at least Twice… their lies continued to spread - all the way to the Senate impeachment trial

If the fbi is lying about this, how many other lies are they telling about 1/6 Proud Boys? And the fake news MSM just repeats these lies as if they're facts…

How many lies are the MSM repeating from the FBI about 1/6? Or about anything? They CAN'T be trusted!

FBI lies about Daniel Goodwyn
Senate impeachment lies about Daniel Goodwyn
The TRUTH about Daniel Goodwyn

FBI lies about Bran Betancur (latino white supremacist?) using the "proof" that he made an ok hand sign and wore an iron on proud boys t shirt?
Meanwhile, it was reported that Proud Boys had planned not to wear colors that day.

The FBI and MSM (two separate entities or one and the same) just think that they can call anybody they want a Proud Boy, demonize them, accuse them of crimes, and lump them all together, and we will just believe all their lies. Time for them to be EXPOSED!

Fun Fact: Dominic Pezzola aka Spaz (the Proud Boy who bashed in the window at the front) only joined the Proud Boys in November or December during Stop The Steal.

Fun Fact: The FBI had been trying to infiltrate Patriot “militia” groups (and likely succeeding) before January 6.

Coincidence? We’ll see!

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