The Lust of the Flesh - A Root Cause of Sin

3 years ago

The lust of the flesh is a way of saying strong desires built into the physical body. God gave us strong desires for sex, food, and rest... but we must learn to manage these pulls of the flesh in the manner, and for the purpose, they were intended by the creator. We accomplish this through self control.

The bible is not a long list of do's and dont’s... that is a popular misunderstanding of scripture’s purpose. Listing and condemning all the possible ways a person can sin would have tens of thousands of entries... and then the human mind would simply dream up some more. How could the bible have explained the problem of addiction to prescription drugs, or cyber-crime, to people living 3,000 years ago?

Your Creator is more interested in helping you get at the root causes of sin... problematic ways of thinking that do not change over time.... then it is up to you to figure out how it applies to your situation, or your era in time.

Our purpose today is to discuss the root sin of LUST and its antidote, self control. First, by defining what it is and is not, second by looking at four ways lust can lead to sin: sex, drunkenness and gluttony, and laziness….finally by recommending its antidote: SELF CONTOL
The spirit must train itself to rule over the flesh… with God’s help and guidance.

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