I Am Mother of All & "Thea Bowman" from the Cloud of Witness Speaks

3 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers family. May we receive the grace of embracing our differences and embracing Our Mother.

I was before Blessed Mother’s prayer tree and was in worship.When a paper blew away from my prayer folder I caught it just in time. When I picked up I realized it was a pamphlet sheet with a prayer from a women named Thea Bowman. This was given to me by Father Ezekiel weeks ago and he wanted me to look her up because she was a dynamic women and Franciscan sister who died only a couple of years ago in 1990. I never looked her up or watched any of her videos but this morning I finally took the time to actually read the pamphlet and it said, Sister Thea, was the granddaughter of slaves was born in Yazoo City , Mississippi, she joined the St. Rose Convent in Lacrosse Wisconsine at age 15 after being inspired and impressed by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration who were her teachers in elementary school. She developed an appreciation for her identity as Both African American and Catholic as her mission unfolded, she celebrated the gifts of all people and encouraged black Americans to proudly celebrated their own identity. She was a poet, a preacher, a master teacher, a vocalist, and evangelist and African American catalyst. She revived congregations, both large and small , with her “God-gilded voice sent dancing, swaying, sashaying into our lives. She was a song, She was the joyous Franciscan always. “One who knew her well referred to Thea as the “springtime in everyone’s life”. I thought wow what a woman!

I began to meditate on the words they used to describe her and also think about how she embraced her African American roots whiles drawing people together in unity. Thoughts began to come to my mind and I felt Blessed Mother wanted speaking to me and telling me that Thea also wanted to speak to me. In my doubt I kept brushing the idea from my mind but the nudge was so strong so I went to BP and got “Joy’. So I stopped and began writing down what I was hearing in my heart. As I said,

"I’m here Mother. So sorry for doubting your voice and was scared to get a message from my flesh again. Forgive me, but I am here now to receive wisdom from above about you being a Mother to all."

As an aside here the morning before I had received a word from the Lord , but when I
discerned it was from my flesh because I was too attached to the subject matter. That was discouraging. So if I can be honest I didn’t want to try again to get a message lest it be my flesh but getting that reading about “Joy” really encouraged me and let me know it was Blessed Mother speaking to me.

Our Mother of Mercy began,

“Oh my very little one, there is no need to fear just keep writing then discern. You felt it yesterday did you not? As you began to recite the message that is was from your own thoughts."

"I did Mother, I did …it just didn’t flow."

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(Message Transcript - Part 1)

Hello brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers family. May we receive the grace of embracing our differences and embracing Our Mother.

I was before Blessed Mother’s prayer tree and was in worship when a paper blew away from my prayer folder. I caught it just in time. When I picked it up, I realized it was a pamphlet sheet with a prayer from a woman named Thea Bowman. This was given to me by Father Ezekiel weeks ago. He wanted me to look her up because she was a dynamic woman and Franciscan sister who died only a couple of years ago, in 1990. I never looked her up or watched any of her videos, but this morning I finally took the time to actually read the pamphlet. It said, “Sister Thea, who was the granddaughter of slaves, was born in Yazoo City, Mississippi. She joined the St. Rose Convent in Lacrosse Wisconsin at age 15. After being inspired and impressed by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration who were her teachers in elementary school, she developed an appreciation for her identity as both African American and Catholic. As her mission unfolded, she celebrated the gifts of all people and encouraged black Americans to proudly celebrated their own identity. She was a poet, a preacher, a master teacher, a vocalist, an evangelist, and an African American catalyst. She revived congregations, both large and small, with her “God-gilded” voice sent dancing, swaying, sashaying into our lives. She was a song. She was the joyous Franciscan, always. One who knew her well, referred to Thea as the “springtime in everyone’s life”. I thought, wow, what a woman!

I began to meditate on the words they used to describe her and, also to think about how she embraced her African American roots while drawing people together in unity. Thoughts began to come to my mind, and I felt Blessed Mother wanted to speak to me, and telling me that Thea also wanted to speak to me. In my doubt, I kept brushing the idea from my mind, but the nudge was so strong. So I went to Bible Promises and got “Joy". So I stopped and began writing down what I was hearing in my heart. As I said,

I’m here, Mother. So sorry for doubting your voice. I was scared to get a message from my flesh again. Forgive me, but I am here now, to receive wisdom from above about you being a Mother to all.

As an aside here, the morning before, I had received a word from the Lord. But when I discerned it, it was from my flesh, because I was too attached to the subject matter. That was discouraging. So if I can be honest, I didn’t want to try again to get a message lest it be my flesh. But getting that reading about “Joy” really encouraged me and let me know it was Blessed Mother speaking to me.

Our Mother of Mercy began,

“Oh, My very little one, there is no need to fear, just keep writing, then discern. You felt it yesterday, did you not, as you began to recite the message, that it was from your own thoughts?”

I did Mother, I did …it just didn’t flow.

“We’ll you are becoming more sensitive to the Spirit of God. So you see, that is a good thing. And don’t let it cause you to stop hearing His voice or Mine or from the Cloud of Witnesses. There are many that want to speak to you, and I will bring them forth to give you council.

Like Thea, Mother? Father Ezekiel gave me that paper a while back, but I never looked her up (and I've been so busy with many other things) until I just read the pamphlet. She sounds like a wonderful soul. We would have been good friends.

Our Mother of Mercy responded,

“You are good friends my daughter. She is one of the many who has been entrusted to you, as she too, guides your life with prayer and much intercession. I have brought her forth to give you council. She embraced her faith firmly with much joy and brought joy to so many others because she carried the Presence of God and the words of love in her heart. Love always supersedes every boundary, every obstacle, and every race. It is love that is the language to unite all men, women, tongues, and tribes under the headship of My Son, and loving Jesus as their Savior. She lived in difficult times and even within the Church it was difficult times, with segregation, and racism abounding. But she didn’t allow that to stop her. Once she tasted the sweetness of God’s love, she embraced who she was, her culture, and taught others to do so, but steered everyone to the greatest of all, Jesus. She knew that was the common thread, Christ in you all, becomes the hope of glory. Glory to vanquish and destroy the power of racism even in the church.

“My beloved children, I am Mother of all. Mother of all tribes, of all nations, and all tongues. Christ’s blood flows through me and He has given all souls of the Earth to Me, under my Motherly care. You see, God loves variety, and what better way to portray his manifold creativity and love of uniqueness than by creating different people groups, races, and cultures to glorify Him. At the tower of babble, did the wisdom of his plan begin, as every person was then scattered in their own unique language and began to form communities, which are now your race, and cultures you have today. (Genesis 11: 1-9). When I appear to different people groups, many times I have taken the form and the look of the women in their culture so they may relate to me. And other times, I come just as myself, as I appeared during Jesus' life. But in all of this, I am still Mother to all. Do not allow the color of my skin to separate your love from Me or Jesus for that is one of Satan's main tactics that is now destroying the church, by giving many a heightened sensitivity to offense, racial prejudice, and segregation. So you not only have churches separated by different doctrinal beliefs but by race, when we desire for you to be one body and one church.

As she was speaking, Ephesian 4: 4-6 came to my mind;

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling: One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

"I have heard the reservations of some, she is not the only one.”

Wow, and here Our Mother of Mercy is addressing a statement one of the intercessors made to me, saying;

I have to tell you, honestly, I do wonder why a Ghana-based mission would choose such a Scandinavian-like depiction of Blessed Mother. Did she prefer that? She doesn’t have to be Our Lady of Africa. But such a pale representation seems to perpetuate the idea that to be pure, your skin must be pure white. I am not all prejudiced, never have been. But I do have a hard time relating to that depiction. Please help me understand.

Now, if I can be honest, when I found the picture of Our Lady Africa, I also wondered if that may be better to use to relate to the Ghanaian people rather than Our Mother of Mercy image? But I thought to myself, if she appeared this way, and wants me to spread the devotion in this way, I have to trust her judgment and know that she will draw hearts either way. So I responded to her, saying that Blessed Mother was a Jewish, Israeli girl and if she didn’t appear to us as African to appease the Ghanaian people it is because she wants everyone to know she is Mother of All and that she will give grace and anointing to them so that they can receive her that way.

Our Mother of Mercy continued,

“Trust in my love for it will trump all of that. Now is the time for many to rise above that and love Jesus for who He is, what He is, and what He has done, bridging the gap not only between death and life, exile and relationship with the Father, but the racial and cultural gaps, by His Blood that was shed that All men may find their identity in Him, and I am the catalyst to do that.

"My beloved children do not get entangled or even listen to the devil’s suggestions because they will come. But I am the Lady of Africa, I am Our Lady of Korea, I am Our Lady of Guadalupe, I am Our Lady of Knock, and I am Your Mother of Mercy and now I want to be known and loved in that way. As you take my words, my love, and my presence with you to Ghana, I will work wonders and miracles in the lives of the people there. They will come to love me and love My Son. But you must preserver in this devotion no matter what opposition may come. I am Mother to All.”

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