The Cybernetic Truth (Part 4)

3 years ago

My email is - send me an email, just so I can keep in touch with you and alert you to the platforms I shall be on next; the censorship is really bad. I set up two other channels “SilasCannotBeSilenced” and “SilasCensored”, all of which were censored approximately five minutes after posting my first comment on them. Share this information and mirror it!

An excerpt from a book, I am writing, entitled "Rise and Fall: A Discourse Upon the Phenomena of Civilisation and of Decline", by Silas Gauthier. This is a small excerpt from the conlcusionary section; this section details my new working hypothesis regarding this injection and the nano-platform to be used to induce behavioral modification, potentially. Now, I discuss to a great length about very jargonistic concepts hence this may be daunting on your first listen. However, I can assure you that it is crucial that you pay close attention to this, because - as I will outline in the subsequent parts - this is entirely the path I believe the controllers wish to take us down. Simply put, the mechanization of Man; turning him into a directly controlled slave. Hence, "Social Automation". This fourth section details the coming system and fleshes it out more succinctly; it centers around this strange and inhuman concept of "you shall own nothing and be happy". Naturally, this concept makes no sense with the human tendency towards free will (in the end) we have now; alas, a more regimented "global brain" hierarchy would be required to facilitate such a markedly idiosyncratic shift in anthro-socio-political tendencies.

I will be doing more videos similar in vein to this one, so please do keep tuned and share this, or mirror it on your own channel (just ensure you credit me and link people to my channel and please put, if you could, the title of my book in the description which will be coming out this year, TBA). Spread the word and share this video! Take these lessons to heart and prepare accordingly, as you will it.

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Heylighen, Francis. (1970). The Global Superorganism: an evolutionary-cybernetic model of the emerging network society. Soc. Evol. Hist. 6.

Presentation: Dr. Robert Duncan, titled, “Intelligent Systems of Control”. On this channel, titled "The Hive".


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8. Wiener, Cybernetics; or Control and communication in the animal and the machine. Publisher: New York: M.I.T. Press, 1961.
9. Wiener, Norbert. 1954. The human use of human beings: cybernetics and society. Garden City, New York: Doubleday.
10. Von Neumann, J., & Morgenstern, O. (1944). Theory of games and economic behaviour. Princeton University Press.
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12. Russell, Bertrand (1931). The Scientific Outlook. Routledge.
13. Valentin Turchin (1977): The Phenomenon of Science. A cybernetic approach to human evolution (Columbia University Press, New York).
14. W. Ross Ashby (1956): An Introduction to Cybernetics, (Chapman & Hall, London).
15. Kamran, Q. (2020). Strategic Value Chain Management: Models for Competitive Advantage. Kogan Page.
16. Steve Joshua Heims (1991). The Cybernetics Group. Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England: The MIT Press.

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