Outside the Zeitgeist Episode 29 - Just You and Me, Not Them

3 years ago

In this episode, Greg, Red and Charles talk about the ambiguity of the topic of justice.

News Topics:

- Chris Hansen – To Catch a Check Casher
6:00 - Ice Cube vs Robinhood
8:30 - San Jose Gun Tax
10:15 - FaceBook
13:45 - Rachel Maddow is not news
17:30- Teacher’s union (NEA) to “research” opponents of CRT
32:30 - Scienciness
34:20 - LA transgender riot
40:19 - Lower testoerone levels and higher percentage of transwomen
44:30 - OPCW chief says he has no authority to re-open investigation
46:40 - WHO says to stop widespread testing but also says to start wearing masks
47:35 - CDC and Dr. Faucet disagree on masks
48:39 - Judge mandating Vaccine as punitive measure
50:33 - Military and Doom Spell – Lower Standards
53:35 - Biden bombs again
58:45 – China creates 100 missile silos
1:00:48- More cyber attacks
1:03:15 - main topic

#covid #CRT #justice #SanFrancisco #LGBTQ #Science

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