Head's Up, People July 5, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Head's Up, People July 5, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This just in from Nicholas Veniamin ---

“Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else.

There is practically NO evidence that this "vaccine" is gene therapy. There is ZERO genetic material: mRNA or DNA or spike protein. It means this "vaccine" has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product wasn't developed to avoid an infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statement from governments or health institutions has been made. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to stop the global vaccination program.

Okay, so what are the characteristics of graphene oxide and what are its known health hazards?

Each tiny nanoparticle acts like a knife and cuts through cell membranes, effectively killing living cells. This in turn causes inflammation, as the body's immune system kicks in to clean up the cellular debris.

If the immune system can't keep up, the graphene oxide creates extremely tiny blood clots that can collect together to form larger clots.

Graphene oxide, like asbestos, is inert, thin, hard, and appears to cause its own form of cancer, similar to the way asbestos is linked to Mesothelioma.

Graphene has no bandwidth, so it cannot be turned off as an electromagnetic conductor a thousand times more effective than copper.

So people are being shot up with this crap and it is dispersing throughout every tissue of their bodies and absolutely nobody is on the string and accountable for this.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/07/heads-up-people.html

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