Sabbath and Churchgoing COEXIST.

3 years ago

The Bible says that the dividing wall of hostility or separation is abolished in Jesus Christ our Messiah and Savior.

We are united and so we should start talking thinking and acting united.

The purpose of this video is to firstly encourage Christians to begin enjoying some thing that God made for them to enjoy, and secondly to clear up a commonly held misconception, not supported by the Bible, but rather fervently held through oral tradition among the church.

That is, that somehow the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday, and that somehow The Sabbath, which began in Eden as a free choice and not a law, is a legalistic problem to be avoided.

This video states that churchgoing and Sabbath are two different things, but that they’re both good, that they both are a thing that exist, and that it’s just fine that they are on two separate days because they are two separate activities.

Is say that nobody should diss Jews or Israel or Jewishness, or accuse of conspiracies, and nobody should diss Gentiles, Gentile culture, America etc, accuse of spiritual sins, or anything else like that.
No more separation in God’s people!

There’s no division in the Messiah’s Sacrifice, in the cross. It is for everyone! All are equal under the Lamb of God!

In fact God says that there’s no distinction anymore. God‘s grace is big enough for everybody and he made everybody to be exactly who they are, God accepts them and God accepts you, just believe the gospel already and play nice. You don’t have to jump in their boat, they don’t have to jump in your boat, we all keep our identity and culture and our quintessence, and we all jump in Jesus’s/Yeshua’s boat as a Motley Crew!

The rest of the video is merely me biblically and intellectually defending my position statement. Because before I tell you what to do with a thing, I have to prove to you that that thing exists, and because I anticipate that a lot of Christians will take my statements with a great deal of surprise, and may not say what I’m saying, because I’m a Christian saying things that they’re not used to being heard said!

I’m also refuting the accusations that I anticipate, because I and what I’m saying are Grace-based in the Gospel and not in law. That is because sabbath did not begin in the law - it began in Eden before there ever was a law.

It was then, and always is, a free choice, and it points to the future time of Eternity…. That time of eternal life the resurrection and kingdom come…. at and after Jesus The Messiah’s return, “the end of the week,” The Resurrection, the end of history, eternity, “summer vacation” for Humanity, the wedding feast, the end of all this travail, Eternal Life, the seventh day.

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