Spirit In The Forgotten Town Square - Gallo Family Ghost Hunters - Episode 8

3 years ago

A short but powerful video... During a private paranormal investigation with world renowned parapsychologist, Dr. Harry Stafford. We were investigating the site of an old town square where hangings took place in the ancient Minorcan section of old St. Augustine. We were getting high EMF spikes both on the K2 EMF detectors as well as my Ghost Meter Pro at one small section of the area and nowhere else. So we decided to start rolling the video... Soon after the camera started rolling we established communication. Notice how the meter reacts when a question was posed to it in Spanish! ... It went off the scale! ...

This video was taken just after a severe thunderstorm which may have enable communication as the air was well ionized. We also had infrared nite-vision enabled on the camera so the video is a bit dark.

You can see how Dr. Stafford was impressed with this exchange... He says "wow" after the entity leaves.

To learn more about this and other investigations, be sure to read the Amazon best seller: FAMILY SPIRITS - THE ADVENTURES AND EVIDENCE OF GALLO FAMILY GHOST HUNTERS BY BOBBY J. GALLO. Amazon rank #3 in the adventure/travel category... Also available at Barnes & Noble and www.FamilySpiritsBook.com

G.F.G.H Official paranormal equipment supplier: www.GhostGear.info

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