The Only Secret We Need to Know July 4, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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The Only Secret We Need to Know July 4, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

There have been many great challenges this past year, and even this past week. Sometimes the questions seem impossible to answer, or as if nobody is listening when you do reply. My own life is slipping away, and my time with my husband and family, too. I am acutely aware of how precious each day is, how the years have flown by, and I chafe under the burden of this loss.

On top of the actual work we face on the international scene day to day, we have to rebuild our American government with the help of thousands of other Americans who are coming forward without the benefit of decades of studying these issues, people who are often confused, or afraid, or angry, enmeshed in court cases, targeted by vindictive thugs, struggling with poverty, illness, or addiction. Nonetheless, they come to save our country.

And that's where my heart breaks and turns around and I stop thinking about myself, when I see them with all their hurts and lacks and still, they come to save their beloved country. I shake my head, the tears come, and I brace myself for another day. God never created more gallant people.

The enemies of freedom, those who have plotted and schemed for their mean elitism and selfish benefit, are all about secrets. They have secret societies and secret handshakes, secret spells, secret technologies, secret protocols, secret signs and signals, secret language, secret agendas, and on and on and on.

They make lies a religion and confusion a goal. They take delight in undermining and betraying their fellow man. They fancy themselves "global citizens" without any loyalty to any home, not even, ultimately, the Earth.
And for the sake of blackmail and control, they do things in secret so criminal and nasty, that normal people recoil in horrified disbelief.

So they have their secrets, but we have our secrets, too.

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