CSE - 07 (c&d) - Q&A Session 2

3 years ago

Topics: Q&A Session 2, All scientists believe evolution, Creationists denied work, List of Christian scientists, Separation of church and state, Bible in school, See stars billions of light years away, Trigonometric distance, Slow down speed of light, Light speed changed, Red shift, Cepheid variables, Zodiac, Sun shrinking, Carbon dating, C14, Potassium argon dating, Fresh dinosaur bones, Where are human fossils, Is pitch from oil, Was ancient man primitive, Giant stones, Artifacts in coal and fossilized, Ancient brain surgery, Antarctica without ice, Metal sphere, The great pyramid, Earth a hot molten mass, Polonium halos, Global warming, Green river formation, Mars rocks, Theistic evolution, Other religions, The sabbath, The pope and evolution, What do Muslims believe, Mormons, Jehovah's witness, Contradictions in the Bible, Why KJV, Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Manuscripts, Bible codes, Who created God, Mr. and Mrs. Flat, Races, Curse on Canaan, Tower of Babel, Cloning, Poisonous snakes, Ark of the Covenant, God's name in Jerusalem, Big foot, Nephilim, UFO's, How long were Adam and Eve in the garden, Mark of the beast, Straw man, Shroud of Turin, Created and made, Scientific creation, Dr. Hovind Ph.D., Symbiosis relationships, Giant insects today, Red sea crossing, Mt. Sinai, Sodom, Unicorn, Missing names in Bible, Carnivorous animals, Sarcasm with scoffers, Days before the sun, Kent Hovind

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