Argument that Judeo-Christianity does not bar Homosexuality

3 years ago

New mic.

Adam and Eve are the creation of our World, which required a man and a woman. However, to sustain the world, that is what the rest of the Bible is about. Not every family unit must be a man and woman, though there is no way for homosexuality to produce a child without a heterosexual conception.

Sodom and Gomorrah speak of an act which is homosexual in nature, yet the act which was likely indicated was actually the destruction which sex introduces in addition to the lack of consent. Not the homosexuality of today, which is out of love, though perhaps the homosexuality of then which was a tyrannizing act to dominate and express the power of oneself through hedonistic pleasure.

Mass homosexuality should be tolerated and accepted. If there is anything wrong, it would be that this is a symptom of a deeper cause. The cause would be that we have hit a population limit, which is likely due to factors making it such that society finds it easier to express love in homosexual relationships than heterosexual ones.

Marriage is a spiritual contract between two people such that they can fulfill the ultimate parts of life: peace, reproduction, and culture. Culture requires us to replicate it over time, with our own touches placed into it. ... Gay or not, who cares? The state needs to stay out of marriage. The state can give standards as to what marriages it will recognize, not dictate how a marriage is performed or by whom, either marriagees or marriagers. ... If a priest marries someone to a goat, then that priest should be ex-communicated.

As for sex-ed, make it short and sweet. Sex is for reproduction, STDs exist, and it is best to abstain. A mention of homosexuality existing is not much of a problem and has issues such as AIDS and lube that children whom will be adults will have their future improved by having a short clinical discussion
regarding protection. ... We teach children how to live long and fulfilled lives, not hide things such that curiosity brings them into destruction of either their bodies or their souls.

I think that covers up what should be acceptable to the Bible regarding matters here in the World.

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