Ep17 p5of7 Ephraim Manasseh - Joseph and Judah

3 years ago

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Part 5 of a Bible series on Ephraim and Manasseh. David expanded his kingdom by subduing the Phillistins, Syrians, Moab, Edom and Ammon.
David then sinned against Uriah the Hittite by having him die in battle and taking his wife Bathsheba. Nathan the prophet scolded David for this and pronounced death upon David and Bathsheba's first child. Their second son was named Solomon.
David's son Amnon raped his other son's sister Tama.She was the sister of Absalom. Absalom killed Amnon for this and fled to another village. Years later he returned to Jerusalem and reconciled with his father David. Absalom then stood in the gate of Jerusalem for 40 years and anyone who was not happy with David's judgements, Absalom would gain their loyalty by telling them he would have judged in their favor. Absalom then started a coup and had himself crowned king in Hebron.
David left Jerusalem before Absalom attacked in order to avoid civil war. He moved to Ammon while Absalom took Jerusalem. Absalom abused his fathers concubines in the palace. This was Davids public humiliation that Nathan the prophet had pronounced upon him in retribution to what he had done to God when he killed Uriah the Hittite. David sent his captain Joab to quell the uprising of Absalom but he charged him not to hurt Absalom but Joab killed Absalom anyway. David mourned for Absalom but Joab told him he was losing his kingdom by mourning for his enemy. David claimed victory and returned to Jerusalem, the people of Jerusalem and Ephraim were divided over David there was a second rebellion of Ephraim led by a man named Shebah. Joab pursued and killed Shebah. David died and Solomon became king. Solomon built the first temple.
Solomon married many strange women from the surrounding kingdoms for alliances but he began to worship foreign gods which angered YHWH. God then sent a some adversaries to hinder Solomon including Jeroboam who was made ruler over the 'house of Joseph' by Solomon. The prophet Ahijah met Jeroboam on the road, he tore his coat into 12 pieces he gave 10 pieces to Jeroboam and 2 pieces to Solomon signifying the breaking up of the kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam then fled into Egypt for his life until Solomon died. Jeroboam then returned from Egypt and confronted Solomon's son Rehoboam over leadership. Jeroboam took the 10 northern tribes and Rehoboam took the two making Israel and Judah split. From that time on the Israel and Judah divided between the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.
Jeroboam set up 2 golden calfs in Israel at Bethel and Dan while he ruled from Shechem. Jeroboams son became sick and he sent his wife in disguise to see the prophet in Shiloh. The prophet said the child would die and all of Israel would be rooted up and scattered because of the sins of Jeroboam.
The northern kingdom of Israel was also known as Ephraim. Ephraim and Judah are key figures in prophecy. In Genesis chapter 49 Jacob prophesied about Joseph and Judah. Ephraim is the main part of Joseph. Moses also prophesied about Judah and Joseph in Deuteronomy chapter 33. The blessing of Judah is tied to the Kingship of Judah and Jesus Christ, the blessing of Joseph is tied to the bounty of the earth and to Christianity.
Psalm 60 names Ephraim as the strength of God's head and Judah as his lawgiver. In psalm 73 gods people are called the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Psalm 78 says the children of Ephraim turned back in the day of battle and forgot God's ways. It also says he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh in favor of Jerusalem. Psalm 8o refers to God as the shepherd that leads Joseph like a flock.

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