The NASA Fraud ... part 3

3 years ago

I have had comments on this channel previously stating that we really did go to the moon. So the question you have to ask yourself is Why. Why would they lie?

Simply, they want to hide everything the Bible and God himself have taught us. They twist truth and hide it. They keep us spellbound in this luciferian cult programming that begins at birth.
Satan himself is a liar and the Father of lies as said by Jesus in John 8:44.
Google the Jesuit code to learn more.

You judge a tree by the fruit it bears. These luciferians sware an oath in exchange for mammon.

Let us examine the evidence. This is Part 3 of 3, Final.

Thanks for watching.
Remember, you do not have to go to hell. Don't gamble with your eternity! Give your life to Jesus Christ now as your personal Saviour. Repent and believe in him and you will be saved!

Video sources:

Godrules YouTube channel,

Buzz Aldrin admits we never went to the moon.

The final days. The sun isn't where you think it is. 02-22-2021

The Final Days YouTube channel:

The Devil Has Been Busy & Knows His Time Is Short

Dracul Liber YouTube channel:

I BET THEY DON`T TEACH THIS IN SCHOOL! Want PROOF? Here It Is! (2019 - 2020)

StrangerThanFiction YouTube channel:

We Never Went To The Moon - Owen Benjamin (TL;DW version)

Proper Gander YouTube channel:

NASA Bloopers, Blunders & Gaffes - Is Anyone Even In Space? (The Earth is Still Round)

Proper Gander YouTube channel:

carinstiaa YouTube channel:

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