Rebels on roundabouts

3 years ago

Everyday professional are making noise with other professionals. This man was a firefighter h was interviewed at the last London protest, (26.06.21) he has put his life on hold to help fight for what’s right, just like the doctors and nurses from the all putting their lives on the line for humanity. I like this idea; rebels on roundabouts on a Friday evening, just like the stand in the park people do on a Sunday…
The only thing:
We are lacking direction in some areas it’s all great protesting like we all do in bulk in the cities or the outreach some people do alone/small groups. Next week I’m praying more individuals will come out and stand with me as there is so many of us and from all walks of life. It’s amazing to have the privilege of meeting you all, I can’t keep up with the names. I do apologise.

Together we can build something with direction but we all need to bring in positive suggestions locally as a group. Remember we are the 99% and we have the power. #inittogether #enoughisenough #medicalfreedom #endtyranny #arrestthecriminals

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