CSE - 06 - The Hovind Theory

3 years ago

Topics: Faults, Pangaea, Magnetic reversals, Platetechtonics, Ice Age, Mammoths, Inverse square law, Spinning top, Moon craters, Mysner effect, Comets, Earths magnetic field, Pre-flood different, Peleg, Layer of water in crust, meteors, Ice meteor, super cold ice, wobble of earth, God hates sin, Water in space, fossils in Antarctica, Local flood, Diatomatious earth, Out of place artifacts, rapid fossilization, Cavitation, hydraulic plucking, abrasion, and liquefaction, Sand plumes and mounds, Floods devastation, canyons and rock formations, curved layers, Oceans deeper, Continental shelf, Grand canyon, steep sides, looping and meandering, Mt. St. Helens, Rapid river and canyon formation, Colorado river flows down hill, Spirit lake, Rapid coal formation, Unconformity, Kent Hovind

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