CSE - 04 - Lies in the Textbooks

3 years ago

Topics: For truth, against lies, 1908 textbook 6 day creation and prayer, evolution taught as fact, no mention of creation, Grand Canyon, Revolutions, Charles Lyell, Geologic column, Fossils date the rocks, Rocks date the fossils, Circular reasoning, Moving water sorts layers, Index fossils, Living fossils, Coelacanth, dinosaur soft tissue and blood cells, Petrified trees through many rock layers and in coal, Rapid fossilization, Charles Darwin, Finches on the Galapagos Islands, Variation within the kind, Evolution limited, Zebroids and horses, Leopon, Ligers, Bacteria resistance, Hitler, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Andrew Carnegie, Mutations, Natural selection, Fruit fly mutations, Homologous structures, Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, Embryology, Gill slits, Earnst Haeckel, Common ancestors, Common designer, Abortion, Columbine, Hitler exterminating inferiors, Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood, Vestigial structures, appendix, Whale pelvis, Snake legs, Human eye, Mount Rushmore, Hair on bacteria flagellum, Miller Urey experiment, Oxygen, Amino acids, Frog in blender, Super computer vs honey bee, DNA complexity, Junk DNA, Punctuated equilibrium, Horse evolution, Spoon spork fork, Dinosaurs to birds, Archaeopteryx, Feather and scales, Kent Hovind

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