BODYCAMS: Off Duty Officers Exchange Gunfire With Drive By Shooter/Bounced Patron At Security Gig

3 years ago

WARNING: The attached video may contain strong language as well as graphic images which may be disturbing to some people. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Phoenix Police Department released a Critical Incident Briefing (CIB) video that includes audio, visuals and information related to an officer-involved shooting (OIS) which occurred on June 20, 2021 around 12:45 a.m. near 96th Avenue and Camelback Road.

Two Phoenix Police officers were working an off-duty job in full uniform, conducting security outside of a bar. A female patron and her friend, told them that her exboyfriend, identified as 32-year old Jesse Villasaez, had shown up at another establishment where they had been, and they were concerned he might have followed them to this location as well. They showed the officers a picture of the male.

Sometime later, the officers overheard an argument on the outside patio, and recognized Villaseaz from the picture. He was arguing with the females and other patrons.

The officers, working with security guards from the business, asked the male to leave, and trespassed him from the property.

Villasaez remained in the passenger seat of a pickup truck in the parking lot, so the officers contacted him again, asking him again to arrange for a ride to leave. Villaseaz told the officers he had a ride coming.

About six minutes later, the officers saw Villasaez’s truck driving through the parking lot and turn to drive behind the bar. The officers made their way to the rear of the parking lot to see what Villaseaz was doing.

As the two officers walked to the back, they saw Villaseaz driving towards where they were standing. As Villasaez got closer, he began firing a handgun from his moving vehicle near the officer. The muzzle flash can be seen on the security camera footage. Both officers returned fire.

After the officer-involved shooting, Villasaez continued driving, and he fired two more rounds at the end of the strip mall striking the rear of a building.

Villaseaz was located and arrested less than an hour later near 67th Avenue and Earll Drive. He did not sustain any injuries from the shooting or the arrest.

The truck Villasaez was driving was located hours later and had damage from the shooting and shell casings inside of it. Detectives located a gun under the bedliner of the truck Villasaez.

Villasaez was arrested for aggravated assault on a police officer, unlawfully discharging a firearm, among other numerous felony charges.

There were no injuries to officers or community members.

One of the officers involved in this shooting is assigned to the Maryvale Precinct, Patrol Division, and has been with the department for 16 years. The other is a sergeant, assigned to the Training Bureau, and has been a police officer for 22 years.

Conclusions about whether the actions of the officers are consistent with department policy and the law will not be made until all facts are known and the investigation is complete. An internal investigation by the Professional Standard Bureau is currently underway, in addition to a criminal investigation. Once the criminal investigation is complete it will then be reviewed by the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

Public records law required redaction of certain personal identifying information before video is released publicly. This is why you may see some parts of Body Worn Camera (BWC) blurred or covered with a black box. Redacted video is released to local media in conjunction with the release of this Critical Incident Briefing for independent review and publication. Complete, unedited versions of the BWC are released to attorneys and the courts as evidence in a criminal case.

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