Leftist Alphabet People Accept Child Groomers, But Trans-Racialism is a Bridge Too Far?

3 years ago

The Washington Post, to celebrate the end of Pride Month (that never really is going to end), published an op-ed by a former Prostitute who identifies as "gendervague" about the virtues of teaching CHILDREN about "kinkculture" and the "queer community". How does she justify this? She takes her kids and her transgender partner to the hypersexualized "Pride Parade" to gaze upon leather bedecked weirdos, dry humping each other on a unicorn float. Stunning and brave. The 'community' will tolerate grooming children for a life of degeneracy, but we have found the line... for now.

Oli London, obsessed with K-Pop Band "BTS" and their leader, Jimin, has spent $150,000 on 18 surgeries to take on the appearance of dear Jimin and now identifies as non-binary and Trans-Korean. I for one, applaud his Trans-Racialism and want to see this entire movement devour itself in the oppression olympics. Steady as she goes you insane... that.

The Federalist 1: https://thefederalist.com/2021/07/01/in-the-washington-post-gendervague-former-prostitute-promotes-teaching-kids-kink/
F2: https://thefederalist.com/2021/06/28/leftist-logic-you-can-have-surgery-to-change-your-sex-but-not-your-race/

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#LGBT #Groomers #TransRacial

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