Ep17 p3of7 Ephraim Manasseh - Jephthah, Micah and Samuel

3 years ago

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First we describe the origin of Gilead and how it became a land of the Gilead family in the territory of Manasseh. Then we talk about Baalim and Ashteroth Amon, Moab and the Philistines.
The first judge in this video is Jephthah. Jephthah was a son of the patriarch of the Gileadites, a man named Gilead. He was the son that Gilead made with a prostitute who was cast out of the family after his father died. When the Ammonites were oppressing them and they gathered for war at Mizpah, the Gileadites called upon Jephtheh who was now a great military leader of a band of misfits to help them and lead them into battle.
Jephthah sent messengers to the king of Ammon to which they disagreed over who owned the land. Jephthah then said let your Goddess Chemosh give you what she has and let our God YHWH give us what he has. Before going into battle Jephthah made a vow to YHWH that he would sacrifice whatever came out to greet him from his house when he returned home from battle if YHWH gave him victory over the Ammonites.
Chemosh was the deity of the Moabites and the Ammonites, she is closely related to Astarte also to Molech . Human sacrifice was required by Chemosh.
Micah is the next judge of Israel we discuss. 18;00
After his victory he returned home to Mizpah and his only daughter whom he loved came out of the house to meet him. After letting her grieve for 2 months in the mountains he sacrificed his daughter to YHWH. I give my opinions on why this happened in the video.
The next Ephraimite judge we discuss id Micah. He stole silver from his mother but when he heard that she had cursed the silver then Micah admitted to stealing it. His mother then blessed the silver and gave it to Micah. He gave some to the founder and had a molten image made, he then built a sanctuary beside his house for the image, he also made an ephod and a teraphim. He made his son a priest over the images. There was a young Levite from Bethlehem who was looking for his place in life. Micah hired him as a priest over his idols. Micah now thought that YHWH would bless him since he had a Levite for a priest.
The Tribe of Dan sent out a group of warriors to find a place to conquer to expand their land. These warriors came across the house of Micah and his priest, they asked the Levite to inquire of YHWH for them which way they should go to find land. He told them whatever way they go will prosper. They then went north and found a town of undefended people living in a paradise that would be easy to conquer. They then returned to Dan and reported what they had found. The tribe of Dan then sent 600 armed men to conquer it. On their way they stopped at Micah's house and took his idols and his priest for themselves. They said to the priest is it better to be a priest of one man or a whole tribe of Israel? They then conquered the town and made a family from Manasseh their priests.
Samuel was the last judge of Israel. During the whole time of the judges the tent of meeting was active in Shiloh. A man named Elkanah had 2 wives named Peninah and Hannah. Hannah had no children and she vowed to YHWH that if he would give her a son that she would dedicate him to YHWH all his life and that no razor shall touch his head. This was akin to a Nazirite vow (Numbers 6:1-5). She bore a son and gave him to Eli the High Priest in Shiloh. She named the boy Samuel. She came every year to Shiloh and she made him a little coat. He wore a linen ephod. Eli had two other sons who took bribes and were bad men. Eli blessed Hannah and she bore 5 more children to her husband. God then spoke harshly to Eli because of his sons and passed judgement upon his whole family but Eli didnt do anything about it.
Samuel was sleeping in the tent of meeting nearby Eli. YHWH called Samuel 3 times and let him know that he was about to bring to pass what he had warned Eli about, Samuel told Eli but he still didn't do anything. Samuel them became known as a prophet in Israel.
The Philistines went to war with Israel. Israel was losing so they called for the ark of God to be brought to the battle, they lost the ark to the Philistines. When Eli heard his 2 sons had died and the ark had been lost he fell and died. Eli's daughter in law then died in childbirth giving birth to a son whom she named Ichabod.
The Philistines brought the ark to Ashdod and put it in the temple of Dagon. God plagued the people of Ashdod so the Philistines moved the ark to the city of Gath. The city of Gath suffered also so the sent the ark to Ekron. They then sent the ark away on a cart yoked to 2 cattle that had never been yoked. The cart went to Israel, when the Israelis saw the ark return they rejoiced. The Israelis who look upon the ark all died, about 50,000 people. They sent for the Levites to come for they ark, the took it to the house of Eleazar.
Samuel spoke to Israel, he told them to get rid of Baal and Ashteroth and serve YHWH only. They gathered at Mizpah to pray and fast.

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