BODYCAM: Newark Police Rescue Suicidal Teen from Jumping Off Roof

3 years ago

Newark Public Safety Director Brian A. O’Hara reports that 4th Precinct Officer Elijah Melvin rescued a suicidal teenage girl who was threatening to jump from a roof on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.


“I am proud that Officer Melvin saw this teenager as his own family member and took the initiative to remove a window, climb out on the roof and talk her out of jumping,” Director O’Hara said. “Empathy and compassion are the tools most needed in situations like these. And Officer Melvin used those tools skillfully in de-escalating an emotionally charged situation to save this teen’s life.”

Shortly after 5 p.m., Officer Melvin and other members of the 4th Precinct responded to a call of family trouble at a South Ward residence. Newark Firefighters and EMS also responded to the scene. Officer Melvin climbed out onto the roof and spoke caringly toward the teenager, who reported being distraught after losing an older brother. He shared with her his own relationship with his younger sister, telling her that her brother would want her to live her life to the fullest.

By about 5:20 p.m., the teen agreed to not jump and was taken down from the roof by Officer Melvin and other first responders. She was then transported by EMS to an area hospital for further evaluation.

“Had it not been for the personal intervention of Officer Melvin, this teen’s family and the entire Newark community, would have been grieving her tragic loss,” Director O’Hara added. “Instead, we are celebrating a life that was preserved by a caring Newark Police Officer who presented himself as a big brother to a distraught teen.” - Newark NJ Department Public Safety

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