Why Genesis is Truly History - Hebraist Steve Boyd

3 years ago

This video segment is from "Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 3 : Bible & Stars," where we explore the universe, the Tower of Babel, the Hebrew text, and the history of interpretation of Genesis, and much more! Check it out on our website: https://bit.ly/BIGH-3.

Here, Hebraist Steve Boyd looks at some ancient manuscripts, then explores the evidence that Genesis is narrative history, including his own statistical analysis of chapters 1 and 2.

Dr. Boyd is a specialist in biblical Hebrew, Semitic languages, and Old Testament studies. He has a BS and MS in Physics from Drexel University, a ThM in Old Testament and Semitics from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Hebraic and Cognate Studies from Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion. He was a visiting professor at Capital Bible Seminary, Multnomah Biblical Seminary, and Northwest Baptist Seminary, and was a professor at The Master’s College sixteen years. He was on the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth research team; and he is the founder and director of the Cataclysm Chronology Research Group.

For more information about Dr. Boyd, please visit: https://bit.ly/37Iu2kx.
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