BC Emergency Orders Revoked!!

3 years ago

Here is a link showing that all emergency orders in BC are revoked as of today. https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/mo/mo/m0275_2021?fbclid=IwAR309l-HdQCrEdBaF6q2dUMwr5CbevxjJ94CweOLK-VUSBx7bE-weX725KE

This means anyone administering vaccines is breaking the law, since they are approved for emergency use only. It also means that Stage 3 of the re-opening act is a farce. There are no stages to anything if the emergency act is revoked. It also means no quarantining people returning to Canada from travelling. Everything has been a lie in the last year, and if they are keeping this up EVEN after revoking these orders, it is just more cirminal charges to be laid.

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