Human Rights Activist: If They Lock You Down Again, They Will Seek To Starve You To Death

3 years ago

Gurcharan Singh has been a human rights activist for last 15 years. He has been all over south Asia, Africa and Europe and what he has to tell the world is quite shocking though unexpected for those of us who not only know the Bible, but understand that globalist criminal agenda that is being forced upon the world population.  Singh has warned that the famines that are occurring and the Mockingbird media's covers stories for those famines are only real because of the destruction of food by those meaning to impose the famines on the people to kill them off in depopulation efforts.  He says we must reject the idea that the world is overpopulated and that there is not enough food if we are to win the fight against those who wish to destroy humanity.  He joins me in this episode.

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