Chinese Virologist states covid19 was created, on Tucker Carlson

3 years ago

Renowned expert Chinese Virologist Dr Lu-Meng Yan, a Whistle-blower, tells Tucker Carlson Covid19 was created as a biological weapon. It got out of control in Wuhan. China locked their own people in their homes to STARVE to DEATH. They then sent infected all over the world to deliberately spread the virus. If China's economy was going to suffer - EVERY country would suffer. WHAT FOILED THE PLAN - TAIWAN. Chinese Whistle-blowers movement in Taiwan informed Australia who in turn informed America's POTUS, Trump. We both SHUT OUR BORDERS IMMEDIATELY to China. This is not the first Whistle-blower to contact Australia. The Chinese phones Huewei- Australia was told about the spyware and told Canada. Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada, America have an agreement called the 5 Eyes. WE WILL ALWAYS SHARE the information regarding "ATTACKS" . Make no bones about it - this was an attack. We weren't destroyed because we ALL shut our borders and stopped Covid19. Unfortunately there were far left Communist who tried to portray this as Racist. Protecting your OWN citizens from a Biological Weapon is NOT Racist. It's Patriotic. To help the rhetoric and propaganda of the CCP with a biological weapon, imho, is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Most countries call that TREASON. It's about time politicians start telling the truth and STOP making disasters a political football to kick around for their OWN gain .

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