Religious Persecution In the Military: Christianity

3 years ago

I recently received a pamphlet from Dr. Ben Carson outlining how Christian members of the military service have repeatedly been punished for any expression of religious faith, a practice which increased significantly in the Obama era. I haven't had time to vet it yet, but the claims echo similar sentiments that I've come across in other posts. For now I've compiled a list of clips which have documented these points of view. This is definitely looking like a can of worms.

Video clips:

'The military is trying to kill us'
Christian persecution in Iraq
Christians are being persecuted worldwide
Christians Are Being Singled Out in the Military
Documentary Proof - Navy Chaplain fired for praying 'in Jesus name' (Part 1 of 2)
Documentary Proof - Navy Chaplain fired for praying 'in Jesus name' (Part 2 of 2)
Mikey Weinstein on O'Reilly Factor - Religion in the US military
Navy Chaplain Reassigned as He Awaits Hearing
Religious Hostility Fueling Military Misconduct
USMC - Being a Christian in the Military
Veteran Forcibly Dragged from Air Force Ceremony for Mentioning God

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