W9 D7, Sunday Long Run, 1 hr. HR Zone 2, 1/2 hr. HR Zone 3

3 years ago

About half way through this run I had a slight tweek in my right knee. It wasn't bad and I finished my run with no issue. Later that night after I was sitting a while my leg started aching and in the morning it was so bad I could barely put any weight on it. After a couple hours it seemed to loosen up a little. Tuesday I got an MRI and I have a small tare on the meniscus. The Dr. said it isn't bad enough to do surgery but said I should take 3 weeks off running for it to heal. I did a lot of research on running sites and I may be able to run sooner but after 4 days now its still a little sore. I am going to loose at least 1 week of hard training and will probably have another week of easy workouts just to see if I will be able to run without a longer break. A number of articles said if its not a bad tear running will not make it worse, and I may be able to slowly ramp back up. I am really disappointed as this Sunday long run was a hard half marathon where I was planning on a new PR. Only 6 weeks left to the marathon! UPDATE!! 7/3/21 I just did an easy 20 min. jog to test my knee. Feeling ok with very little discomfort. I will continue with a few more easy runs over the next few days if it still is feeling ok, but I am sure this will inhibit my goals on my marathon training. My Garmin watch says my status is detraining now. My Rumble videos now seem to be taking almost 2 weeks to be approved for publication.

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