Come Away, Rest A While Covering of Precious Blood I

3 years ago

I After this past year and a half, we need recreation, rest, leisure. Take the substance in full measure. Summer provides a temporal time of rest. A breather.

Mat 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Cf Lk 12:25

II Elijah had to told by an angel to take all of the nourishment provided for him or he would not have been equipped for the next journey to Horeb the Mount of God. 1 Kg 19:5-8
Recall Elijah had just defeated the enemies of Baal with the calling down of Baal and the subsequent flight from Jezebel’s murderous threats. Elijah drifts into despair. He thinks he is the only prophet left and he wants to die. God in his great compassion sends an angel to minister to Elijah. The angel has to tell Elijah to eat a second time so that he has the necessary strength to complete the mission God has for him.

III Scripture is written for us. We must take all of the nourishment, Sacred Scripture, God gives us, acknowledging our weakness in humility, so as to complete the mission given to us.

Scripture is primarily meant for liturgy, worship. Lectionary for NO & Anglican, and a number of Protestant faiths as well, use the same cycle, consider

Food for the journey, important for Catholic ties to Blessed Sacrament and Viaticum, journey for ultimate rest. Lord knows we need to be fortified. Journey purpose is for rest.

Summer vacation, every mother wonders is the effort worth it so that they can rest. Need food for the journey. Prepare for the journey, end focus is rest, peace, a time a way. Fortify getting ready journey to rest.

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