'Rona Is Gonna Get You (a parody by Abby London)

3 years ago

LA just went back to mask mandates indoors. Will Seattle and Washington follow suit? How long is #washingtonready going to last? Is 'Rona still gonna get us?

Special thanks to King County Public Health for suggesting people use shower curtains with holes in them for sex. See this video they put on Instagram if you don't know what I'm talking about: https://www.instagram.com/p/CGI_MYVHTyl/?hl=en

Vocals and Lyrics: Abby London
Directed by: Paige DeCicco
Camera Op: Paige DeCicco
Editor: Thomas Steffens
Partner- CB
The ‘Rona - Tom Steffens
Editor - Tom Steffens
Recorded and mixed by Jakael Tristam
COVID-19 Novel Corona Virus Animated Background: https://youtu.be/GXAuhCP8Pgg
Audio from
Idea for parody: Ari Hoffman

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