Why "Voluntary" Vaccine Passport Programs Are Coercive

3 years ago

Count NCLA among those who view the rapid development and distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine as nothing short of miraculous. We are all better off in a world where those who want or need the vaccine are free to access it. During the next installment of NCLA's Lunch & Law speaker series, NCLA Litigation Counsel Jenin Younes moderates an expert panel to discuss the much thornier question: whether the government may lawfully compel citizens to take a new, experimental vaccine, and, whether New York’s vaccine passport program, which purports to be voluntary, constitutes government compulsion. Jenin will be joined by the following distinguished panelists: Naomi Wolfe, journalist and author of the book "The Beauty Myth"; Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine in epidemiology at Stanford University and one of the signers of the Great Barrington Declaration; Phil Magness, Director of Research & Education at the American Institute for Economic Research and Adam Creighton, former economics editor and current Washington correspondent for The Australian. Join us for a rousing discussion of vaccine passports that will also touch on the public health, privacy, and economic implications of such programs, as well as the variety of legitimate reasons a citizen might have for rejecting this attempt at government-sponsored coercion.

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