Ep. 76 - Dr. David R. Hawkins, Life Coaching and Unconditional Acceptance (w/ Lena Popretinskaya)

3 years ago

Here in this episode I talk to Lena Popretinskaya, about how she first discovered the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins (also known as 'Doc'); 'Leadership Gift Program' where she heard of him first; the knowingness to trust Doc; meeting fellow Doc students online; from self-help towards a shift to inner spiritual work; her Orthodox background; Arvo Pärt; her view on calibrating; getting answers through praying to the Holy Spirit; healing of relationships; her first experience of coaching leaving an impression; discovering her inner paradigm; experiencing being unconditionally accepting of people during coaching; getting certified; coaching being more about helping people finding their own answers; teaching her clients Letting Go in some coaching sessions; being attached to results vs enjoying the process; usefulness of holding in mind your end goal ('what you hold in mind tends to manifest; - 505); importance of keeping integrity between intentions - actions; feeling when a coach values you for who you are; unconditional positive regard (Carl Rogers); level of consciousness of the practitioner being a key factor in any patient-client outcome; value of humour; clearing self-doubt through coaching - seeing yourself as potential rather than irredeemable; emulating success & making peace with the inner parent.

Lena's Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lena.popretinskaya/
LinkedIn https://linkedin.com/in/elenapopretinskaya
Lena's FB group https://facebook.com/groups/bethelifeyouwant
Her Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCS_AZwleEX11gmgA5lKuNOQ

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