3 years ago

I nominate John D Rockefeller for top five baddest gangsters, one who helped build the modern world we know today, which is mostly a farce. Think about it, almost every industry is built on fallacies. The western medical system that never cures, the financial system that robs people via usury and taxation, the agriculture and food industry which poisons via GMO seeds, the energy industry which has confined us to dirty oil and coal.
It's easy to unravel the beast system built by the few old bloodline families who could have taught humanity to be responsible and sustainable but instead have broken down humanity in every way possible.
For those of you who are just now waking up and tuning in, I invite you to take a trip down the rabbit hole with me for a few minutes, I'm going to show you some interesting connections...
Notice how all these "doctors" speaking out about coronavirus, Buttar, Shiva, etc, none of them have said anything about the Rockefellers. They have named the Clintons and Gates but not rockefeller. What does that tell you? It tells me that they are hiding something. Bill Clinton is allegedly the son of Winthrop Rockefeller according to Leuren Moret, in this video here:
......and how interesting is it that film producer Aaron Russo (RIP) who became friends with the rockefellers made a movie, Trading Places (a must see if you haven't) where two bankers conducted a social engineering experiment turning a rich man poor and a poor man rich, and one of those bankers characters was named Winthorp, very similar to Winthrop. This sounds like Russo was trying to tell us something.
Something else to consider, Winthrop Rockefeller was the 37th governor of Arkansas, and then years later Bill "Clinton" was 40th and 42 Governor of AR when he was 33! What a "coincidence". Winthrop rockefeller was born May 1, 1912. Bill "Clinton" was born August 19, 1946, which puts Winthrop rockefeller at the age of 34 when Bill Clinton was born, which is a reasonable age for a man to have a child.
Notice on the following wikipedia page how the douchebags at wikipedia give a time line of rockefeller's life in politics but as they move into the 1970's and 80's they completely avoid the fact that Bill "clinton" was governor of Arkansas. That's because they don't want people making these connections because then it would expose how much power the rockefeller's have in the political realm.
What I find even more interesting is that rockefeller helped develop the Anheuser-Busch alcohol beverage giant which was later ran by front man Meyer Lansky and Cindy Hensley's father Jim Hensley, the Cindy Hensley who later married John McCain!
"He is credited with helping develop a plan with Gussie Busch in the early 1970s to turn a portion of the large tract of undeveloped land between the two points into the massive Anheuser-Busch (AB) investment there."
Not only that but if you have never seen the series on Netflix called "Ozark", it is about a husband and wife who launder money for a Mexican drug cartel in the Ozark's of Missouri, kind of like the Clintons who trafficked cocaine out of Mena Arkansas which is just south of Ozark Arkansas! Thanks Justin Bateman!
"One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world is the Rockefeller bloodline. Today, there are around 190 members of this family with the Rockefeller name and of course some others by other last names. This article is to explore further for those who investigate the Illuminati, how the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of the occult and Satanism, and how they are involved in the control of the Christian denominations.
They have hidden trusts within secret trusts within secret trusts. It is estimated that they have between 200 and several thousand trusts and foundations. The finances of the Rockefellers are so well covered that Nelson Rockefeller did not pay one cent in income taxes in 1970, yet he was perhaps the richest man in the U.S. The Rockefellers exert enormous influence over religion in this nation in the following ways:
The Rockefeller’s influence is both subtle and not so subtle."
Also see this documentary, The Clinton Murders, for more links:

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