We The People- Chat with Dennis O'connor 30/6/21

3 years ago

Open discussion on recent related topics including health and legal v lawful. Dennis is an ex Clinical Nurse Consultant who was having a lot of trouble dealing with many oy the systemic problems of the system and was taking an extended break before a certain pandemic hit. Having done a deep dive into the history of the medical system and then exploring facets of the history of the current economic structure, he has found it impossible to return to, what he sees as a very corrupted institution and is embarking on an independent journey of helping heal with out the use of petrochemical medications and spreading truth as he sees it as much as possible. He has worked in the areas of Intensive Care, Psychiatry and addiction and is well qualified to help us understand many of the confusing messages we are getting from the mainstream 'experts'.
Dennis' contacts and interests-
Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCadzQGMyQnWEkIcILstr4og

Website- https://anxietydepressionfix.com/?fbclid=IwAR2lKPYaIi-BL396sLUHmuLzJD6R4JA8VxIxMDbgBDXwAIrAeGPLZ9LeT7c

Affiliation's- https://earthheroestv.com/?fbclid=IwAR1M2V2biPGQZ0G4VdPg2IPyDHSTYL-KFEnGVFtCQObasZQsu8zYNHluTAE

We The People Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/groups/239899281216893

Bitchute- https://www.bitchute.com/channel/o4HUmkIcgddl/

Highly recommended- https://commonwealthofaustraliastatesassembly.com/

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