The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 167 - Coercion & Compliance

3 years ago

This video is my response to an article titled, “What Are We Going To Do With The Anti-Vaxxers?” from Forbes Magazine dated Jun 27, 2021 and written by a very antagonistic and vindictive person by the name of Enrique Dans. I’ll put the link to the article in the description box below.

This video is my response to an article titled, “What Are We Going To Do With The Anti-Vaxxers?” from Forbes Magazine dated Jun 27, 2021 and written by a very antagonistic and vindictive person by the name of Enrique Dans. I’ll put the link to the article in the description box below.

This article is another shot across the bow and warning from the Jesuits how they feel about those who do NOT obey world government. No one can mistake what this writer is saying. This is how the Jesuit Cabal do it. They send out warnings from their Media propaganda machine and in this case a prominent Jesuit online magazine. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is just one man expressing his personal opinion. There are many voices expressing this same message. By typing in the title of this article with the authors name you will find 7 websites with similar titles including Forbes just on the first page. As I have been saying in many videos now; those who exercise their right to regulate their own health are being viewed as a threat to the vaxxed, not that even makes sense. The Roman one world communitarian spirit has “0” tolerance for those who think for themselves.

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