W.T.Frick LIVE w/ Jessie Czebotar

3 years ago

W.T.Frick LIVE Emily Menshouse and Jason Snyder WELCOMES... Jessie Czebotar to the show!!!

"At age 3, Jessie gave her heart to Jesus. A bit over a year later, she was forced into Illuminati training to become the successor of the Queen Mother of Darkness. However, Jessie refused to take her position in the System. In 2019, she started to share her testimony and expertise. Her main goal is to tell the captives of the System and those who fell victim to it, that there is a Way Out."

Check out Jessie's Website and other interviews:

Buy her book on Amazon:

Jessie's Patreon Account:

#illuminati #luciferian #cult #conspiracy #truth #jessieczebotar #manifest #wtfricklive

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