Is Flat Earth a Threat to the Rulers?

3 years ago

They're scared... the peasants have figured it out... The cover uppers, liars, deceivers, even FE Trolls may lose their jobs! Sob... So pathetic!

We are at least a million strong! Make no mistake, this is serious business. They do not want to share what they have lied about for generations, to the tune of many billions of your tax dollars per year! Pumped into NASA, the world's biggest magic wand, space movie maker & prop a grandizier...

Subterfuge & counter "es peon age" is used to subvert & distract. Controlled opositions (Flat Earth Society) to confuse & demoralize with so much BS that you may just give up!

Hundreds of trolls hit the keys for hours with their whacky wizardry, equations & outright lies! Imagine... WE pay their salary! Say thank you troglodytes...

**"200 Proofs We Don't Live On a Spinning Ball" by Eric Dubay >dotted com.
**"DITRH Flat Earth Podcast" - Enough videos from hundreds of flat earth researchers, covering just about every topic on the PLANE.

HW sure can blow some smoke & another o bomb a nation does the same! Columbus likely lost his way because they didn't have the right tools to find new land... for a newer worldly ordering? Was he a club member. I'd lay odds.

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