Lanello: Sacred Sites, Sacred Ceremonies and Sacred Times in Ancient Civilizations and Today

3 years ago
373 - Lanello comes as Haiawatha to speak on sacred sites, sacred ceremonies, and the sacred times when our souls soared amongst the stars and we knew the Great Spirit. He speaks about the megalithic site that David Christopher Lewis was visiting and revealed that it is an ancient power site of light, consciousness and being. He said there was originally an ancient civilization in this area where giants walked and where men and women who were dedicated to God understood the divine science of light as well as the architecture of the Cosmos. They also knew that people were created in the image of Elohim. These beings created a civilization of light based on the solar cycles of the solar system. This sacred knowledge is now entrusted to us as we manifest greater God Self-realization in our lives day by day. He called to everyone across the planet to live in unity and harmony and he bestowed a blessing of healing on all.
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